05.11.2011., subota



Community Investment Manager

community investment manager

    community investment
  • (Community Investing) Community investing is capital from investors that is directed to communities underserved by traditional financial services. It provides access to credit, equity, capital, and basic banking products that these communities would otherwise not have.

  • A company that invests and actively engages in the local, national or overseas communities. Usually this activity would take the form of donations or projects where employees take an active part in the implementation, e.g. reading schemes at a local school.

  • (managership) the position of manager

  • A person who controls the activities, business dealings, and other aspects of the career of an entertainer, athlete, group of musicians, etc

  • A person responsible for controlling or administering all or part of a company or similar organization

  • coach: (sports) someone in charge of training an athlete or a team

  • A person in charge of the activities, tactics, and training of a sports team

  • director: someone who controls resources and expenditures

Komunitas Salihara

Komunitas Salihara

KOMUNITAS SALIHARA stands on a land of around 3,060 square meters on Jalan Salihara 16, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. It consists of Teater Salihara, Galeri Salihara, Cafe, Artstore, Lounge, office building and guesthouse.

TEATER SALIHARA can accommodate up to 252 people. This is the first black box theater building in Indonesia. Built with sound-proof walls, the theater is complete with dressing rooms and all the modern stage, sound, and lighting equipments. The rooftop of Teater Salihara building is also designed to serve as an open-air theater.

GALERI SALIHARA, unlike other gallery structures in general, takes the form of a cylinder whose circumference is shaped rather like an oval. An empty space with circular walls, without angles, without borders, will provide a wider perspective for the viewers.

A cozy food court with an open view is situated below the gallery, offering miscellaneous food and drink. No less unique is the four-storied building housing offices, library, guesthouse, and bookstore. The uppermost floor partly protrudes and hovers over the rooftop of the theater building, while the lowermost floor partly vanishes into the ground. In terms of its architecture, the complex of Komunitas Salihara can be viewed as an interesting architectural experiment. It is the work of three architects, each having his own tendency—the theater building is designed by Adi Purnomo, the gallery by Marco Kusumawijaya, and the office building by Isandra Mati-n Ahmad.

The three of them then sat together to integrate their designs within the same vision: to build a new home for art and ideas, one that is environmentally friendly and spends less energy. Komunitas Salihara will grow along with a smarter, more open, and more democratic public. Its managers believe that mastery in art serves as a precious investment for the growth of the nation’s children from this day on. The public plays a very important part in fostering such mastery.


KOMUNITAS SALIHARA berdiri di atas sebidang tanah seluas sekitar 3.060 m2 di Jalan Salihara 16, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan. Terdiri atas tiga unit bangunan utama: Teater Salihara, Galeri Salihara, Serambi Salihara, Toko Cinderamata, perpustakaan, gedung perkantoran dan wisma.

TEATER SALIHARA dapat menampung hingga 252 penonton. Inilah gedung teater model black box yang pertama di Indonesia. Berdinding kedap suara, teater ini dilengkapi ruang rias serta segala peralatan tata panggung, tata suara, dan tata cahaya modern. Bagian atap Teater Salihara juga dirancang sebagai teater terbuka.

GALERI SALIHARA, berbeda dari kebanyakan bangun galeri umumnya, mengambil bentuk silinder dengan lingkar sedikit oval. Ruang kosong dengan dinding melingkar tanpa sudut, tanpa batas, akan memberikan perspektif pandang yang lebih luas.

Pusat jajan berikut aneka makanan dan minuman dengan pemandangan terbuka yang nyaman terletak di bawah bangunan ini. Tak kalah unik adalah unit bangunan empat lantai untuk perkantoran, perpustakaan, wisma, dan toko buku.

Lantai paling atasnya sebagian menjorok dan melayang di atas atap gedung teater, sedang lantai paling bawahnya sebagian melesap ke dalam tanah.

Dari segi rancang bangun, kompleks Komunitas Salihara dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah percobaan arsitektur yang menarik. Ia karya tiga arsitek dengan kecenderungan masing-masing—gedung teater dirancang oleh Adi Purnomo, gedung galeri oleh Marco Kusumawijaya, dan gedung perkantoran oleh Isandra Matin Ahmad. Ketiganya kemudian duduk bersama untuk memadukan rancangan ke dalam visi yang sama: membangun rumah baru bagi kesenian dan pemikiran yang ramah lingkungan dan hemat energi.

Komunitas Salihara akan tumbuh bersama khalayak yang makin cerdas, terbuka, dan demokratis.

Para pengelolanya percaya bahwa kepiawaian di bidang seni adalah investasi yang tak ternilai bagi pertumbuhan anak-anak bangsa sejak hari ini. Khalayak adalah bagian sangat penting dalam menyuburkan kepiawaian tersebut.



Tenants of Beech Housing Association are all set for a rerun of the hit TV show Dragon’s Den with the news that Beech has ?20,000 to give away to deserving community projects from its Neighbourhood Fund.

The cash is being made available by Beech as a result of savings made across the business.

Bids made by organisations, charities and other Beech residents will be assessed in the same way as in the TV show, where business gurus Duncan Bannatyne and Theo Paphides sit in judgement of new ideas and decide whether to invest.

Beech Regional Manager Mike Murphy said: “At a time when many organisations are having to make cuts, we’re really pleased to be able to announce that Beech is making ?20,000 available to organisations to fund new projects.”

Mike Murphy said: “Obviously, anyone pitching an idea in the Dragon’s Den will have to be ready to hear the words ‘I’m out’ if they fail to impress the panel, but this is a great way to involve people in making community investment decisions.”

Overseeing the Neighbourhood Fund process for Beech is Chris Richardson. Chris said: “The deadline for bids for the money is Friday 17th June but if anyone has an idea for a project and they want to discuss it with me beforehand then they are more than welcome to call me.”

Potential bidders will need to complete an application form and this can be downloaded from the Beech web site or requested by telephoning Chris on 01257 244800.

community investment manager

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community investment manager, north market street investments, investing houses
